Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Have you sent in your taxes yet?

Welcome to April. We are having a snow storm here. If that tickles your fancy, move to Colorado. If not, you have my permission to feel sorry for me.

The Word of the Week is quotidian, and its definition is one of the following:

quotidian (adj.) - alluding to something previously stated.

quotidian (adj.) - daily, ordinary or commonplace.

quotidian (adj.) - medicinal, unpalatable, disagreeable.

What does quotidian mean to YOU? Two points for using it in a sentence! (So far, it is two points for Lil Megora and two points for Dawn!)

In other news: Recently in cricket, Graeme Smith fell in the seventh over, nicking behind after he charged down the pitch and slogged wildly. Kate Moss has fat friends, Brandon Davis has NO friends, and I don't know who Brandon Davis is. And Isreal has set conditions on the upcoming talks with Syria demanding that they cut ties to Hamas, stop assisting Hizbollah, and alter its relationship with Iran.


Megora said...

Cut ties to Hamas? Stop assisting Hezbollah? And alter its relationship with Iran? Um...EASY! Geesh. I just did all that yesterday in like 15 minutes. So what's the hold up Syria????

Anonymous said...

"I found that the asparagus that Erik cooked last night to be very quotidian when I tried to eat it!"